Diego F. Aranha
Optimized One-Dimensional SQIsign Verification on Intel and Cortex-M4
SQIsign 2.0: Algorithm specifications and supporting documentation
A decade probing the Brazilian voting machine
A Practical Framework for Verifiable Computation over Encrypted Data
A short-list of pairing-friendly curves resistant to the Special TNFS algorithm at the 192-bit security level
Aggregating Falcon Signatures with LaBRADOR
HELIOPOLIS: Verifiable Computation over Homomorphically Encrypted Data from Interactive Oracle Proofs is Practical
Homomorphic WiSARDs: Efficient Weightless Neural Network training over encrypted data
Lattice-Based Homomorphic Encryption For Privacy-Preserving Smart Meter Data Analytics
MOSFHET: Optimized Software for FHE over the Torus
Faster Constant-time Evaluation of the Kronecker Symbol with Application to Elliptic Curve Hashing
25th Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
A survey of elliptic curves for proof systems
Faster Constant-time Evaluation of the Kronecker Symbol with Application to Elliptic Curve Hashing
High-Assurance Field Inversion for Curve-Based Cryptography
Performance of hierarchical transforms in homomorphic encryption: a case study on logistic regression inference
Privacy-Preserving Edit Distance Computation Using Secret-Sharing Two-Party Computation
User-centric security analysis of MitID: The Danish passwordless digital identity solution
Verifiable Mix-Nets and Distributed Decryption for Voting from Lattice-Based Assumptions
Securely implementing cryptography on embedded targets"
Introduction to blockchain technology
Efficient software implementation of curve-based cryptography
Experimenting with Faster Elliptic Curves in Rust
Pitfalls in securing (Danish) mobile apps
2DT-GLS: Faster and Exception-Free Scalar Multiplication in the GLS254 Binary Curve
Count Me In! Extendability for Threshold Ring Signatures
ECLIPSE: Enhanced Compiling Method for Pedersen-Committed zkSNARK Engines
Fast Privacy-Preserving Text Classification Based on Secure Multiparty Computation
Formal Model In-The-Loop for Secure Industrial Control Networks
Homomorphic evaluation of large look-up tables for inference on human genome data in the cloud
Laconic Private Set-Intersection From Pairings
MOSFHET: Optimized Software for FHE over the Torus
Performance of hierarchical transforms in homomorphic encryption: A case study on logistic regression inference
Security analysis of the passwordless MitID digital identity system
The State of the Union: Union-Only Signatures for Data Aggregation
ECC: From Theory to Practice
A brief history of the Brazilian Crypto Wars
LadderLeak: Breaking ECDSA With Less Than One Bit Of Nonce Leakage
A Differentially Private Hybrid Approach to Traffic Monitoring
Faster Homomorphic Encryption over GPGPUs via Hierarchical DGT
Faster unbalanced Private Set Intersection in the semi-honest setting
Formally Verified Credentials Management for Industrial Control Systems
Improved Threshold Signatures, Proactive Secret Sharing, and Input Certification from LSS Isomorphisms
Lattice-Based Proof of Shuffle and Applications to Electronic Voting
LOVE a Pairing
Revisiting the functional bootstrap in TFHE
Side-Channel Protections for Picnic Signatures
Side-Channel Protections for Picnic Signatures
The Ring-LWE Problem in Lattice-Based Cryptography: The Case of Twisted Embeddings
Computer Security by Hardware-Intrinsic Authentication
Computing the optimal ate pairing over elliptic curves with embedding degrees 54 and 48 at the 256-bit security level
Efficient and secure software implementations of Fantomas
Evaluation and Mitigation of Timing Side-Channel Leakages on Multiple-Target Dynamic Binary Translators
High-assurance field inversion for pairing-friendly primes
LadderLeak: Breaking ECDSA with Less than One Bit of Nonce Leakage
Recovering Decimation-Based Cryptographic Sequences by Means of Linear CAs
Secure and efficient software implementation of QC-MDPC code-based cryptography
Security of Hedged Fiat-Shamir Signatures Under Fault Attacks
Side Channel Security of Smart Meter Data Compression Techniques
Towards Formally Verified Key Management for Industrial Control Systems
Security and privacy challenges in modern embedded systems
Can blockchains make voting more secure?
Return of the insecure Brazilian voting machines
Leave crypto alone: myths, challendes and opportunities
Building secure protocols for extensible distributed coordination through secure extensions
Circumventing Uniqueness of XOR Arbiter PUFs
Introducing Arithmetic Failures to Accelerate QC-MDPC Code-Based Cryptography
Optimized implementation of QC-MDPC code-based cryptography
The return of software vulnerabilities in the Brazilian voting machine
The Simplest Multi-key Linearly Homomorphic Signature Scheme
A framework for searching encrypted databases
CRPUF: A modeling-resistant delay PUF based on cylindrical reconvergence
Efficient Curve25519 Implementation for ARM Microcontrollers
Evaluation of Timing Side-Channel Leakage on a Multiple-Target Dynamic Binary Translator
Execução de código arbitrário na urna eletrônica brasileira
Faster Unbalanced Private Set Intersection
Finite Field Arithmetic Using AVX-512 For Isogeny-Based Cryptography
Fog orchestration for the Internet of Everything: state-of-the-art and research challenges
NIZKCTF: A Noninteractive Zero-Knowledge Capture-the-Flag Platform
O que é criptografia fim-a-fim e o que devemos fazer a respeito?
Provendo Segurança e Privacidade em Coordenação Distribuída e Extensível
Research in Security and Privacy in Brazil
Security Analysis of Brazilian Mobile Banking Apps on Android
Security and Privacy in Extensible Distributed Coordination
The computer for the 21st century: present security & privacy challenges
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Two Decades of E-Voting in Brazil
Pairings are not dead, just resting
Introduction to pairings
A Secure and Efficient Implementation of the Quotient Digital Signature Algorithm (qDSA)
Análise de segurança da distribuição de raízes na ICP-Brasil
Benchmarking tools for verification of constant-time execution
Curve25519 for the Cortex-M4 and Beyond
Efficient Software Implementation of Laddering Algorithms Over Binary Elliptic Curves
Elliptic Curve Multiset Hash
Non-interactive Privacy-preserving k-NN Classifier
O Computador para o Século 21: Desafios de Segurança e Privacidade após 25 anos
Optimizing the decoding process of a post-quantum cryptographic algorithm
Platform-agnostic Low-intrusion Optical Data Exfiltration
PRESENT Runs Fast - Efficient and Secure Implementation in Software
Privacidade em Dados Armazenados em Memória Compartilhada através de Espaços de Tuplas
Providing privacy on the tuple space model
The Computer for the 21st Century: Security & Privacy Challenges after 25 Years
Lightweight cryptography on ARM
Software vulnerabilities in the Brazilian voting machine
A framework for searching encrypted databases
AdC: um Mecanismo de Controle de Acesso para o Ciclo de Vida das Coisas Inteligentes
Amostragem Gaussiana aplicada à Criptografia Baseada em Reticulados<
AoT: Authentication and Access Control for the Entire IoT Device Life-Cycle
Canais laterais em criptografia simétrica e de curvas elı́pticas: ataques e contramedidas
CCA1-secure somewhat homomorphic encryption
Computação sobre dados cifrados em GPGPUs
Crowdsourced integrity verification of election results - An experience from Brazilian elections
Cylindrical Reconvergence Physical Unclonable Function
Efficient Software Implementations of Fantomas
Extensão do conjunto de instruções para implementação segura de X25519
Implementação compacta do algoritmo Ketje
Implementação eficiente do algoritmo Keyak para ARMv8
Implementação eficiente e segura de cifras de fluxo
Lightweight cryptography on ARM
Principal Component Analysis over encrypted data using homomorphic encryption
Protótipo para exfiltração óptica de dados em máquinas fisicamente isoladas
Software Implementation
Sparse representation of implicit flows with applications to side-channel detection
Uma versão não-interativa do k-NN sobre dados cifrados
Software implementation of bilinear pairings
Security of electronic voting in Brazil
Análise de segurança em aplicativos bancários na plataforma Android
Computer security by hardware-intrinsic authentication
cuYASHE: Computação sobre dados cifrados em GPGPUs
FlowTracker: Detecção de Código Nao Isócrono via Análise Estática de Fluxo
Implementação Eficiente e Segura de Algoritmos Criptográficos
Implementação eficiente em software da função Lyra2 em arquiteturas modernas
Implementação em Tempo Constante de Amostragem de Gaussianas Discretas
Principal Component Analysis over encrypted data using homomorphic encryption (short paper)
Progress in Cryptology - LATINCRYPT 2014
PUF-Based Mutual Multifactor Entity and Transaction Authentication for Secure Banking
Uma Técnica de Análise Estática para Detecção de Canais Laterais Baseados em Tempo
zkPAKE: A Simple Augmented PAKE Protocol (short paper)
(In)segurança do voto eletrônico no Brasil
Anais do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg)
Binary Elligator Squared
Fast Point Multiplication Algorithms for Binary Elliptic Curves with and without Precomputation
GLV/GLS Decomposition, Power Analysis, and Attacks on ECDSA Signatures with Single-Bit Nonce Bias
Implementação eficiente de algoritmos para teste de primalidade
Software vulnerabilities in the Brazilian voting machine
Two is the fastest prime: lambda coordinates for binary elliptic curves
Aritmética eficiente em curvas elípticas no modelo de Huff
Cifração autenticada utilizando PUFs
Implementação eficiente de emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas na plataforma ARM
Lambda Coordinates for Binary Elliptic Curves
The Realm of the Pairings
Vulnerabilidades no software da urna eletrônica brasileira
Efficient binary field arithmetic and applications to curve-based cryptography
Security analysis of Brazilian voting machines
Efficient software implementation of binary field arithmetic using vector instruction sets
Faster Implementation of Scalar Multiplication on Koblitz Curves
Implementação eficiente em software de curvas elípticas e emparelhamentos bilineares
Implementação eficiente em software de curvas elípticas e emparelhamentos bilineares
Implementing Pairings at the 192-Bit Security Level
Optimal Eta Pairing on Supersingular Genus-2 Binary Hyperelliptic Curves
Secure-TWS: Authenticating Node to Multi-user Communication in Shared Sensor Networks
Software implementation of pairings
Efficient software implementation of elliptic curves and bilinear pairings
Faster Explicit Formulas for Computing Pairings over Ordinary Curves
Parallelizing the Weil and Tate Pairings
Software Implementation of Binary Elliptic Curves: Impact of the Carry-Less Multiplier on Scalar Multiplication
Speeding scalar multiplication over binary elliptic curves using the new carry-less multiplication instruction
TinyPBC: Pairings for authenticated identity-based non-interactive key distribution in sensor networks
Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptography in wireless sensors
Efficient Software Implementation of Binary Field Arithmetic Using Vector Instruction Sets
High-Speed Parallel Software Implementation of the ηT Pairing
High-speed parallel software implementation of the nT pairing
Efficient implementation of elliptic curves on sensor nodes
High-Speed Parallel Software Implementation of the $η_T$ Pairing
NanoPBC: implementing cryptographic pairings on an 8-bit platform
Paralelização em software do Algoritmo de Miller
Efficient Certificateless Signcryption
Implementação eficiente de criptografia de curvas elípticas em sensores sem fio
On the Identity-Based Encryption for WM² Nets
Serviço de nomes e roteamento para redes de anonimização de tráfego
TinyTate: Computing the Tate Pairing in Resource-Constrained Sensor Nodes
Obtaining possible execution histories on multiple memory consistency models
Um framework para definição e análise de modelos de consistência de memória